A joint venture between the Japanese Bellsystem24 and Vietnamese Hoa Sao providing offshore and outsourced services to domestic and international organisations.


This engagement includes strategic advisory and project execution to expand Bellsystem24 – Hoa Sao's global BPO operations

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InspireTek is an athlete & wellbeing management app and platform

capital raise, coo, marketing, operations, pm


Helping Small Businesses Grow & Compete with the Big Guys

active, brand, lms, marketing, operations, page builder, theme builder, wordpress

Awesome Motive + Thrive Themes

An app for personal & professional growth by developing structured self-reflection habits

active, cloud functions, firebase, marketing, pinia, pwa, vue, webapp

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  • Contact me for a free, no obligation chat
  • Agree on engagement opportunities
  • Structure engagement plan
  • Execute and deliver on engagement scope
  • Retrospective and ongoing agreement
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